Food Recovery – Kansas Food Bank

Food Recovery

Retail Store Pick Up program

Each day the Kansas Food Bank’s refrigerated trucks head out to pick up fresh meat, produce, dairy, bakery and lunch meat items from over 38 Wichita-areal Dillons, Walmart, Sams Club and Target Stores. These retailers pull product that is approaching sell-by date but is still high quality food, stored at proper temperature. This food is brought to the Food Bank and then distributed to our hunger-relief agencies. In the past year alone, the Retail Store Pick Up Program allowed us to provide an additional 500,000 pounds of top-quality nutritious, fresh foods to families in need.

The Kansas Food Bank is currently in the process of expanding this program to non-urban areas of our state. We currently have more than 20 agency partners who pick-up this high-quality food from retailers in their local communities, providing an additional 1,000 lbs of fresh food for people in need.



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Scheduled to stop display on 5/5 at 4:18 p.m.

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